Ep. 55 Donut Holes & Anti Russian Goals

We’re back! In the first episode of season 4, Milena & Megan cover Danish seismologist, geophysicist & ‘the master of a black art’ Inge Lehmann (1888 – 1993) & Ukrainian national treasure, painter Maria Prymachenko (1909 – 1997)

Inge Lehmann

Milena kicks off season 4 of the podcast with a woman who will….rock your world. Dad jokes aside, today we cover seismologist and geophysicist Inge Lehmann. We head back in time to the early 1900’s, where a woman could receive and prosper from a progressive education……so not the United States. We head to Denmark instead, where we learn about ‘faulty’ seismology equipment, shadow zones and how donuts make for educational analogies.

Maria Prymachenko

We’re gonna be honest, terrible things happened to Ukrainian painter Maria Prymachenko. She basically lived through the great hits of European 20th century horrible historical events. Despite the wars, and polio, and genocide, and another war, oh and that one nuclear disaster (did we forget pandemic? Yeah one of those too) – her art remained vibrant and hopeful. Megan covers how this artist survived, rising to become a national figure symbolizing hope in her current day war torn country.

Selected Work

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