My Favorite Feminists is a podcast released every other week, exploring feminists figures in the arts and sciences. Best friends Megan & Milena deconstruct the patriarchy, dinosaur bones, savaging hoards of hyenas & more, all while sharing their favorite F word. And feminism too.

When Milena eats pizza she removes all the toppings, peels off the cheese, then eats the gutted, saucy slice last. This is the type of woman we are dealing with. Originally studying as a English major, then photojournalist, then vet tech, now podcaster, her education has varied as much as her hometown. Growing up in a military family meant she got to see the world at a young age, with the fortune to settle in Maryland where she met Megan. Despite numerous pizza eating criticisms, they’ve been best friends for years. When not working, wrangling animals or practicing aerials she’s likely to be found pantsless and singing while doing another shot of tequila.

Megan. In jail. JK! Just looking really sad because someone took all her spinach away
Megan rocks a classy, 5’3” stature while simultaneously crushing any fragile masculinities under her utilitarian workman’s boots. If she needs a dining room table, she’ll just make it herself. She’s the kind of lady who owns a slackline and a unicycle, because working out is gross. But if you make it a game of “how long can I balance before falling,” suddenly she’s in it to win it. Sometimes jalapeños will magically show up on your bedside table when she’s in town. She grew them herself, and she loves you. On any given day, she will have tended to her garden, spent all day in her art studio, and eventually settled down with her 6 year old rescue pup with some hot tea to watch her latest season of Midsummer Murder Mysteries.